Soon its getting to that time when school, college and University’s finish, either just for the summer or for some, for good! It’s a happy and sad time for many as we reflect back on the years we have spent being taught by teachers, lecturer’s, professor’s or anyone else that has help shape these parts of our lives.

Sometimes all it can take is a few sentences and it can shape large portions of you lives. A kind comment can take you though tough times and a cruel or offhand comment can create them.

A good teacher can have a massive influence and we thank them for their service to developing our minds. We can be inspired and influenced by their teachings and ideas. It’s important to always take note of lessons learned at at every stage of our lives.

Here at pink strawberry we have sought out some of our favourite quotes to give these people a special thank you and memento to our teachers to help hem remember the amazing job they re doing and to hopefully remember us 🙂 You will find our selection here
